Sunday, September 20, 2009


We opened the doors today at 2pm for some. Here is a list of the WODs that were done:

Modified Nate
30 cal ride, 225 dead lift and 5 verticals 5min amrap. rest 3min repeat.
2man team: 1man rides while other runs 800 (do this three rounds), 20 muscle ups, 100 box jump, 100 ball slams, 100 ghd sit up then ride/row 50 cal three rounds. 1hr 4min time on that beauty.

Ok, this goes out to anyone interested: Fight Gone Bad 4 is the weekend. I am going to Crossfit 2717 this coming saturday to judge and compete in the event. I want any and all people interested in attending to let me know by wednesday of this week. We can car pool charter a bus or plane I don't care, but i think it would be fun for all of us to go up there and support CF2717 and this awesome charity. Call me or comment if you have any questions.

0 Shout out:

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