Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hump Day

Their form is a little questionable, but the effort and the "War Face" is impressive.

Warm up: row 500m @ a 2:00min pace, 20 Hand High Mountain climbers, 20 Double ups.

Skill: 1 max set ring dips, 1 max set dead hang pull ups. 2 rounds no rest.

WOD: "1 Speal" Fleming and I named this one a long time ago... because the weight of the thruster is Chris Spealers Body weight.

10 Thruster @135
50 double under
8 thruster
40 double under
6 thruster
30 double under
4 thruster
20 double under
2 thruster
10 double under

Click HERE for the video

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Racks

The racks from Legend are in!!

Warm up: 10 ohs, 10 lunges, 10 jumping squats

Skill Work: 8x3 vertical jump, 2x8 barbell step up @ 95, 3x10 walking lunge (5 forward, 5 backward)

WOD: AMRAP 12 min of 8 BW dead lift, 10 K2E and run 1 suicide (about 50-60 meters).

Early Morning Post for Monday

Sorry Ladies and Gents, I didn't get home until 8:30 and went to bed at 9:30 so needless to say I didnt post last night!

Warm up: Shoulder dislocates, TARDS, and jumping jacks, 25 of each (thanks randy).

Str- 3x5 bench press

then max set dead hang chin ups, followed by max set kipping pull ups

WOD: 1 squat clean thruster and 1 burpee box jump. Throughout the whole WOD the squat clean thruster stays at one rep. However, the BBJ goes up by one rep every min. So, 1 thruster, 1BBJ, first min, 1 thruster, 2 BBJ second min...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I AM SMOKED! I don't think my legs have ever hurt this bad! Well, thinking back, my legs were this sore when Fleming and I came back from our Level 1 cert. We completed: bottom 2 bottom squats and Fran in the same day, then followed that up with Helen and 80 medball cleans the next day. OUCH!

Kellar, Paula and I went to Flowood MS this weekend and participated in Fight Gone Bad IV, hosted by CrossFit 27:17 (Michael McElroy and Tyler Smith). The event was awesome! To have 25+ people all crossfitting in the same spot was amazing. I can not imagine what the CF games are like. Both of the girls represented by completing their first ever as Rx FGB! GO GIRLS! Tyler and Michael, we have got to get together and have these type of events more often. Thanks for hosting!

Sorry for no post yesterday, but as stated above the WOD was:

Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds of: Wall ball, SDLHP, Box Jump, Push Press and Row.

1 min at each station. Each rep counts as a point (with the rower use calories as reps).

The gym will be open at 3 today. Hope you guys had a great weekend!! This week is going to be awesome. Got a few named wod's coming up! 3...2...1...GO!

ps. The 2 most popular question we get are: How do I get ripped up? and What in the hell am I supposed to eat? Sooo, Kellar and I will be adding a diet link to this page. We will write recipes and other helpful EASY eating tips for people looking for help in the diet category. Any who, PEACE!

Friday, September 25, 2009


warm up: run 400m, 5 ohs, 5 ring dip, 5 dead hang pull up (3 rounds)


WOD- 10-1 Ring Dip and Dead Lift. Do not go Huge on the dead lift. 135# tops.

Strength: 5x3 back squat.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I don't know about you guys... but i am feeling BEAT UP!

Tullos, you can't get called out one day and then not show up the next... SKIRT!

Skill: push ups (they had a little something added to them.)

WOD: 3 rounds of

15 push press
30 box jump
15 sdlhp

Robert: 5:57 gross.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh Roberto!!

Killing Dead People?

Long Day yesterday...

Warm up: Berg w/u, snatch balance with #45, OHS with #45.

Str: snatch grip dead lift 3, muscle snatch 3, hang power snatch 3, snatch balance 3. Go heavy.

Skill: Max Set HSPU x 2

WOD: Helen

Run 400m
21 kbs
12 pull up

When the wod is over feel free to cry, yell at someone, swear aloud or demean someone. Shut it?! Is it possible to Kill a Dead Person?



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Line em up

Warm up: pistols 3x10, Barbell step up 2x8, burpee broad jump 8x3. EXPLOSION!

WOD: 1.5 mile Temple Loop, 5 heavy push jerk, 20 mountain climbers.

Skill: Max set of K2E

You know what I love? I love seeing like minded people busting their asses everyday. You guys really don't understand how much you add to the gym and its atmosphere. The yelling, cheering, clapping, loud music and the sound of falling weights AMPS ME UP. When I lace up my shoes, and look at the WOD... I still get butterflies. After I hear 3-2-1- GO! Its on. In between my gasp for air I can hear you guys pushing my group faster and faster. No matter what the WOD is, I don't want to let myself down or you guys. I try to give it my best. Steve Prefontaine once said, "To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." Don't waste your ability to do this stuff.

Guys and Girls keep bringing the intensity each and everyday. Set your goals high... tell people about them... accomplish them. We are all here for you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pic of the day

.The Natural.

There was a long and intense warm up today. Call me and i will tell you about it.

WOD: 5 power clean, 20 wall ball 4 rounds.

No cool down today. HEY, if you are interested in FGB4 you need to let me know ASAP.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


We opened the doors today at 2pm for some. Here is a list of the WODs that were done:

Modified Nate
30 cal ride, 225 dead lift and 5 verticals 5min amrap. rest 3min repeat.
2man team: 1man rides while other runs 800 (do this three rounds), 20 muscle ups, 100 box jump, 100 ball slams, 100 ghd sit up then ride/row 50 cal three rounds. 1hr 4min time on that beauty.

Ok, this goes out to anyone interested: Fight Gone Bad 4 is the weekend. I am going to Crossfit 2717 this coming saturday to judge and compete in the event. I want any and all people interested in attending to let me know by wednesday of this week. We can car pool charter a bus or plane I don't care, but i think it would be fun for all of us to go up there and support CF2717 and this awesome charity. Call me or comment if you have any questions.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

This hurts my...

Laura Beth knocking out 100 burpees for time.

Congrats to everyone for killing this wod. IT SUCKS. Chuck had TOD with 5:58??? Correct me if i am wrong sir. Hester... where you at?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

From 2003

Warm up: Shoulder Mobility

Strength: Shoulder Press 12-9-6 (Go up in weight each round)

Wod: HQ 2.0

Row 500 meters.
Sumo Deadlift High-pull 15 reps.
30 air squats
Run the Hill
OHS15 reps.
30 push up
Row 500 meters.
Thruster 15
30 box jump
Run the hill

Buckle up!

Wed Hump Day...

Warm up: BB complex

Volume: Ring dips and K2E

Wod: Run the Hill.

After each run rest 90 and repeat. Total time minus the rest is your score. Finally someone beat chuck... Hester ran- 1:19,1:20,1:30, 1:18= 5:27? Fast white boy. Than rain and updraft, that caused friction actually causing the hideous lightening(thanks JP), kept most people inside.

Did you know that I got struck by lightening 7 times? One time i was just riding in my car!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ADA tuesday

Warm up: Row 1000m @ 2:00 pace.


10-8-6-4-2 of Power snatch and 2 for 1 wall ball.

Get ready for things to get nasty.

Monday, September 14, 2009


New piece of equipment that i have been using to get ready for the Crossfit Games. The chick in the picture is a beast because shown here is her last round of 199 consecutive rounds of tabata twist... INSANE.

Warm up: hip mobility aka twister.

Wod: 3rep max Back squat, then Amrap HSPU rest 3min Amrap HSPU.


4 thrusters (heavy) 10 burpees ( get air on the vertical) 3 rounds.

If you follow, we have been targeting a specific energy system here lately. Ask AFT and OPT about their programing or read about it in the crossfit journal... strength is a MUST, no matter how you express your version of programing. Main page tackles the strength issue all the time with their expressions of 1-1-1-1 or 3-3-3-3.

Question: Do you think that some athletes have out grown main page? Are there some out there that need and perhaps deserve more to fully stimulate the CNS and to succeed at Crossfit as a sport? Or should Crossfit remain a General Physical Preparedness program? Watered Down or Amped up...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Wanna try something new today? Are you bound by your own chains of indecisiveness? Get off the couch come to the gym and donate 20min of time to yourself. You will thank yourself later.

Let off some steam, clear your head and get ready for your week.


Friday, September 11, 2009


warm: suicide prisoner squat combo

strength: 12-9-6 deadlift (Tony day you're a beast)

wod: 75 push ups for time rest 2min then 75 box jumps for

TOD: 1:26 and 1:18 by chuck. We hate you.

I am sure that all of you are aware of todays date. Please remember 9-11. Never forget what happened that day and please pray for all our soldiers abroad and at home. Also, you have a chance to donate to the wounded warriors fund on September the 26th. Go to crossfit 27:17 for details. Listen to a Toby Keith song, buy some PBR and go buy a copy of Lone Survivor. Thanks murph!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fwd: 2000m TT

 2000m TT

Warm up with OHS, Snatch balance and more PVC drills.

Then 5-5-5-5 jerk

Wod: 2000m row.

Robert with TOD: 7:00.

Awesome effort!  That's a 1:45 avg pace.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


HPC= high powered cocktail.

Warm up: 20,10,10 of squat, jump squat and split jump, 500m row at 2:00 pace or faster.
3x15 of high bar oly squat

WOD: 4 rounds of
15 high pull
15 pushups


3 x10 of: cable crossover, preacher curls, tricep kick backs and hack squat.

Everyone did very well today! Colin, congrats on having a no yack day. JP, you are starting to realize your potential my friend. MMT, more weight please. Beer Bike, nice work with the 165. Marc, nice to see you back in action and same to you Mrs Ginn.

TOD on HPC: Caliente with 3:25
TOD on 3x10: Ronnie C

When i grow up...

Ok, so i know the picture isn't necessary but hey, i thought it was funny. Now onto the topic... DIET.

I am guilty as any of you when it comes to splurging, cheating, or whatever you wanna call it. However, when I was eating clean and taking care of myself, i could tell a huge difference in appearance, performance and over all well being. Recently, I have been reading a lot of info @ He really knows his stuff concerning anything associated with diet. He is a huge proponent of the Paleo Diet. I will add some more links and info to the site concerning diet. If you are in a rut, aren't setting new PR's maybe its time to analyze your diet and experiment! Or you could grow up to be speedo guy... He has a PR in being Creepy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Three Dead Amigos...

Warm up: The JCVD medball challenge warm up (John Claude Van Damme)

Wod: 5 DL @ 185, 5 HSPU , then run to the stop sign. Close to 800m??? Do that 3 rounds.

Heman did the wod in 6:52, and Caliente was a distant second @ 9:53. LOL. Chuck, you murdered it. E represented with a 1o min time. Something must be in those Burritos...

If you are interested in the FGB wod in flowood let me know ASAP so i can mark you down for a spot or get you more info. Please go to for more info.

Monday or tuesday?

Yesterday we had a good bit of people come in for a labor day wod.

Hang power clean and jerk 5x5

1 round of fight gone bad at 95#

On September the 26th in madison MS, crossfit 27:17 is hosting a fight gone bad fundraiser. I will have sign up forms in the gym this week. Click HERE for more info.

A lotta drinking and celebrating this holiday weekend... get ready for a tough week.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Almost Done

everything is almost finished... waiting on the squat racks and pull up bars.

If you read this tell everyone you know that we will be getting together Monday night for some grill and chill. 6:30pm

WOD: Paint floor for time!

Friday, September 4, 2009


A great first day. Nice work HUD.

Wu: run to the stop sign

wod: 5-7-10 of thruster, hpc and sdlhp. Amrap twenty

site is white.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Free Help from Whiskey Ben

Ben, ripping out some serious kb snatches. His wod: 5min of kb snatches. rest 1 min. then tabata 20-10-10-20 of 1 pood and 1.5 pood kbs. Thanks again white.

5 hours and 3 by 16 feet.

Warm up: Burg

Wod: 3-3-3-3 hang power snatch

Wod: 3 rounds of 30 box jump and 500m row.

Colin with TOD: 9:55

A lot of volume today in the legs today... something for the upper body tomorrow?

The site is white.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"I don't like those"

Warm up: Shoulder mobility, hip mobility, Row.

Skills: Bent over row, Floor Wipers, GHD.

Wod: Floor press, dot drill. 3 rounds. -sounds like a little... but whoa nelly was it a bundle.

the 90's were are great decade, but not when applied to the GHD.

the site is white and complete sentences ROCK. Ben, "oxygen".

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Engage the mechanism.

Warm up: 500m row, 20 ghd back extensions and 5-10 vertical jump.

Wod: 15-9-20 of fsqcl, rkbs, pu.

the mechanism would be the lower back...

a story of our origins will be written. Oh, the site is white.

Tyler of FFT sent me this a while back. These dudes are beast mode with or with out the steroids. Listen carefully and do the kilo to pounds conversions. INSANE