Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sacred Heart Soccer

Sacred Heart Soccer

 This photo was taken during one of the hottest months of our Mississippi summer.  Sacred Heart Varsity soccer team came to Versus Strength and Conditioning for a summer conditioning camp.
When the kids first reported to camp you could sense a little apprehension in the air.  They didn't really know what to expect and as coaches we didn't either.  We didn't know what type of kids we were getting.  Were they hard workers?  Were they guys that took the easy way out?

Answer: Hard Workers

The workouts and agility drills that we threw at these guys were hard ( 2 mile run with 100 ring rows, 200 push ups and 300 squats).  The heat was even "harder" (100 plus degrees).  They persevered through those hot summer months and finished strong!  As coaches we were very proud of our guys.

How would our camp translate into their season?  Would the hard work and nutritional advice we gave these guys pay off in any way?

Tonight Sacred Heart won their south state championship game.  Hard work does pay off.
Congratulations South State Champions... but you better believe the job is not done.

"State Champions" has a better ring to it.

*if you are interested in a enrolling in a strength and conditioning camp this summer let us know*

Monday, January 30, 2012

8am class getting after it! Did you know Versus is sponsoring a Free Out door community workout on February the 25th at the Rails to Trails Gateway at 9am! Sign up because spots are limited!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thanks for coming out to our rails to trails workout. Remember our Saturday workouts are for building our community... Sooooo.... Bring a friend!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Saturday Workout!

Guys and Gals we will not meet at the gym this Saturday. Instead we will meet at the Jackson Road Rails to Trails trail head at 9am. Bring your running shoes! Come burn some calories!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm sitting to death!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Recipe Time!

Chicken enchilada Stuffing

4-5 chicken breasts
2 can's of rotel, one can drained
Season with whatever you like but watch the salt!

Put the lid on and cook all day. Drain excess liquid. Use a fork to "shred" the chicken. Let it cool slightly and mix in Greek yogurt to give it that creamy texture. ( I use Plain 0%).  I use it on a fresh spinach salad with tomato, black olives, and bits of guacamole! and if I am in a hurry, I put it in a large romaine or leafy lettuce as a "wrap".


1 32 oz chicken broth
1small bag lentils, rinsed and drained
3-4 stalk of celery
1 onion
1 lb of carrots
1-2 TBSP olive oil
1 lb lean pork tenderloin
celtic sea salt and pepper to taste

I put this in the crock pot the night before and turn on low.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Down Town

Everyone had a great time doing the workout downtown!  For those of you guys that weren't able to make it, you missed a good one.

A huge thanks goes out to Tammy for hooking us up with a Free Yoga Session.  She has such a beautiful space downtown!  Remember if you every want to work on your flexibility ANNNND strength Tammy is the Yoga Lady to see!

Again, thanks guys for coming out.  This is certainly not the last time we will do a downtown workout.

Great Video

Friday, January 13, 2012


Steve McAlister
Whats happening guys and gals?  This weekend (Saturday the 14th) we will not meet at the gym.  Instead we will meet at Down Town Down Dog (Tammy's new Yoga Studio) for a FREE outdoor workout and a FREE Yoga session.  Here are the details:

Where: Down Town Down Dog, Bakery Building Ste. 20 127 Buschman Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 
Put this in google maps

When: 9am workout (outdoors so dress warm) followed by 10am Yoga

Checkout Facebook and make sure you like Down Town Down Dog and Versus Strength and Conditioning!

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year

Have you made a resolution?  Have you already forgotten about it or given up on it?  Change is hard.

Your body enjoys the path you have it on right now.  You've been making the same choices every day, almost like you are cruising on auto pilot.  Think about a huge 747 being on auto pilot moving at 900 miles per hour... what would it take to make that big sucker pull a 180?

I'm suggesting one little change.  Its easy to make small changes than large ones (think banking that 747 1 degree instead of doing a barrel roll).

Change for this week:  Come to the gym at least three times this week.

Most people are still sluggish from eating all the terrible food over the holidays.  Some of you guys still have holiday weight to lose.  We have been crushing some serious workouts lately that have averaged burning over 600 calories per workout... Now why wouldn't you want to come and get an estimated 1800 calories burned?

Make a small change.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to lose 10lbs in 8weeks

Boot Camp.

Our average client loses 10-12lbs in 8weeks.  Yeah Yeah Yeah... those are just numbers.  I need more than that.  I need a change.

10 - 12lbs are numbers, you're right but what I'm saying is this:  In 8 weeks time you will be able to fit into those jeans that have eluded you in the past.  You will get compliments from people like, "How much weight have you lost?"  "You look great, what are you doing?"

You will no longer be embarrassed about not being able to do a situp.
You will not get out of breath walking up a flight of stairs.
You will look in the mirror and be proud of yourself.

Our boot camp instructors will give you a plan.  They will motivate you while you are reaching for your goals.  They will help keep you accountable via text messages and emails while you are outside the gym.

Quit making excuses and saying, "I'll do it tomorrow."  Call and sign up today.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Haters gonna Hate.


Change is hard. 

Change can be discussed from multiple angles but I will tell you one thing about change.  Once you decide to make a change be prepared for ALL of the Haters to come out of the wood works.

Be prepared.

I have a post prepared about new years resolutions and I will add it to the site sometime this week.  In the meantime, brainstorm about your life.  Is there something you would like to change?  It can be anything, you know?  It is your life.  You can do what you want with it.  Beautiful huh?

Happy New Year!