Monday, November 30, 2009
Turkey Hangover
Str: 3x5 push press
WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6 of Front Squat and Situp
The RX weight is 185 according to .COM
However, i have yet to meet the human that can do 185 in a timely manner. Pick your weight wisely.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ready for a week of diet?
STR: dead lift 3x5
WOD: 150 Kettle Bell Swings for time
use 1 pood
Ok, so we all give MMT a hard time... ALL THE TIME. However, on this side of the coin, I am going to sing the praises of the Ole'MMT. After doing the strength portion of the workout, plus the 150 kbs, MMT wanted to do Hellen
Hellen as RX after all the other stuff: 7:59. Posting a time like that considering a week of food debauchery... well I am impressed. Good job MMT.WHY? I will never know
Friday, November 27, 2009
Burn off turkey.
STR: Bench Press 3x5 or Squat 3x5.
WOD: Row 1000m, 50 burpees, Row 1000m.
Huge shot out to Marc, Barry and Hoff for getting us on WDAM. Thanks guys! We had a lot a new folks come to the gym this week and a lot of you guys played hooky. Tisk Tisk. Hope to see all of you back in the gym... as Marc Ginn says, "you gotta get lean"
Gym will be open from 10-11 tomorrow. Hope to see you there.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The Gym will be closed today. Here is the rest of the schedule for this weekend:
Friday- 6am class, 7am class, 9am class, 10am class, 11 am class, 1pm-3pm open gym.
If you need me to be up there for another scheduled time, please don't hesitate to give me a call (6015546254).
The pre-turkey day WOD
3x5 shoulder press, then...
Fight Gone Bad Task Priority
3 rounds of
20 wall ball
20 sumo deadlift high pull
20 box jump
20 push press
20 calorie row.
This workout is miserable.
Friday's wod: CARDIO MELT DOWN.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Row, Pull up and Burpee
STR: Dead Lift- 3x5
Row 300
15 pull up
15 burpee
row 300
12 pull up
12 burpee
row 300
9 pull up
9 burpee
Cool Down: 25 toes to bar, 25 ghd situp.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, Monday, Monday with a 7 liter Hemi!
For time:
50 Walking Lunges
20 Clean and Jerk (#135)
30 Ring Dips
25 Wall balls (20#,12#)
30 GHD Sit Ups or abmat depending on class size.
30 KBS
75 Double Unders (3 times the amount of reps if doing singles)
The gym will be closed all day on thursday. If you are interested in coming Friday, saturday or sunday you need to let me know sometime this week. On Friday, we will be closing early do due the fact that i have to go to Best Buy and get a huge flat screen while it is still on sale. :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
thursday and friday
Find Max on: Clean and Jerk
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes:
3 Power Clean 155 lbs
6 Push Ups
9 knees to elbow
Perform Air Squats on Rounds 1, 3, 5 and Ring Dips on Rounds 2, 4, 6.
Repeat this sequence 4 times (4 rounds). Rest for 1 minutes between the 3 minute rounds.
FRIDAY: Easy Day
Tabata Kettle Bell swings
Tabata situps
Tabata Row
Tabata Push Press
Sorry for the late post. Next week we are in full swing with 5\3\1. We will be closed for thanksgiving for sure. Let me know what days you would like to work out and i will make sure the gym is open.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Row 500m
50 double unders
50 abmats
run 400m
40 double unders
40 push ups
row 300m
30 double unders
30 k2e
run 400m
Most of you guys were thrashed after Karen, so this is an active recovery day. Should take about 16-18min or so... Chuck did it in 11, but hey he is half cyborg.
RANT: No, it never gets easier...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Killer Karen!
WOD: Karen
150 wall balls
Cool Down: Hold the plank position for as long as possible.
Notes: MMT had a smoking fast time of 5:48 as Rx
Kellar had a fast time of 8:11 as Rx
Admiral Diamond Dave had the best Male Plank Hold with: 5:31
Steph-oooooooo had the best female time of 6:00min (WOW)
The Skirt award of the day goes to Jerry... yessir. Josh, you made the board dude. AWESOME performance man!
The "no show" award goes to Molasses. COME TO THE GYM!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Modified Tillman
STR: 1 set of 5 reps, 1 set of 3 reps, 1 set of 1 rep. On the last set you should try to get Amrap.
WOD: MOD Tillman
5 rounds
5 deadlift 225 or heavier
run 200m
15 pull up
Cool Down: 10 k2e, 10 toes 2 bar, 10 walk me down, 10 inch worms, 10 v-sits
Sunday, November 15, 2009
At the end of the two month period we will re-test our 1rm using the crossfit total.
This time of year brings very unique circumstances/excuses. Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas, and new years are single days that turn into weeks of gluttony. We take time out of schedules to visit family, buy gifts, hunt, etc and usually forget about the healthy lifestyle we have been leading. Why is this?
Nationwide, gym attendance, not membership, will be lower than the rest of the year. AND then WHAM!! January 1st piggy backs in with new years resolutions... We all know how seriously we take our resolutions. So why take so much time off? I can understand and might even support taking a week off if you are suffering burnout or an injury. However I have never understood bailing on fitness for weeks or in this case months at a time. By taking that much time off, you are digging a mighty big hole to come out of. Don't be that guy or gal.
Also, please don't be the person that blames the program you follow. P-90x didn't work for me, Crossfit sucks, Gym Jones is stupid, 8min abs did nothing for me... Man up or woman up and point the finger where it needs to be pointed. If you stick with something, anything for that matter, you will see results. Ex- breathing, you breathe you live, you don't, well you die. Example: Versus, you come here 4-5 times a week, workout, follow our nutrition advice and I can promise you, you will get the results you are looking for. Finish what you start! Remember, you can results or excuses not both. So what's it going to be? Bound by nothing or bound by your excuses?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Str: 3x3 back squat. HUGE SHOUT OUT TO TONY DAY!
WOD Helen
3 round for time of:
run 400m
21 kbs
12 pull up
compare this to your time in september.
Have a good weekend. Heavy strength week next week... may the force be with you.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
STR: shoulder press- 3x3 use 85-90% of 1rm. Last set do amrap.
WOD: 5 rounds of
8 hang power clean
15 push up
8 chest 2 bar pull up.
Core: 50 back ext or goodmorning and 50 reps of ab movement of your choice.
Chris- all this can be done with dumbbells. Skip the goodmornings due to the hammy.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Copy Me?
Skill- One Max set of dead hang pull ups. (post to new record board)
STR: Dead Lift 3x3 [ use 70-80% of your one rep max for the first set and 80-85% for 2nd and 90% for the third] Make sure you are not using a weight that is not challenging and then hoping up 75 or 80lbs. Do not waste sets!!!
Row 500
40-30-20-10 of KBS and Double Under
Monday, November 9, 2009
Rain Rain go away!
Warm up: 5ohs, 5 pull up, 5 ring dip, 5 ghd back ext, 5 abmat situp, 3rounds
Str- 3x3 bench or shoulder press
go to failure on your 3rd set
Run 400 meters
40 Box Jump
40 Wall Ball
20 Ring Dips
40 Squats
20 Push Press
40 Burpees
20 Pull ups
Run 400 meters
Friday, November 6, 2009
I thought you would never get here!
Today starting at 5ish, we will be cooking out at the gym. Feel free to hang out, eat, drink and be merry.
Also, the diet challenge is in full swing! I am very proud of all of you who have signed up!
*Gym dues are due the 15th. Non-compliance will result in beheading.*
Warm up: Hang Clean and Jerk
Start with #45 and take as many sets as you need to get to a modestly heavy triple. You should be able to maintain perfect form throughout all sets. Do not let your ego compromise your spinal integrity. JERK, things to focus on: Rack position, maintaining a rigid core, explosion through the hips, getting under fast. Notice I said nothing about pushing the weight with the arms... that is because you do not need to. You are pushing yourself under the weight. Use your body to jump the weight up, then get yo butt under it!
Strength: Front Squat or back squat
3 sets of 5 reps. Same rules apply. Take 90% of your 1rm then take 90% of that number for your work sets. On the last set, do AMRAP. If you do not have a spotter working out with you, please use common sense, be safe and come sign up at my gym because we have great spotters here.
WOD: 4 rounds of
8 power snatch (choose a weight that is hard but doable.)
Row 250m
*if you do not have a rower, do sprints 200m sprints. If you do not have a barbell for the snatch, use a dumbbell and do 4 per arm. Cheers Mates!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Back in the saddle.

Strength: Shoulder Press
3 sets of 5 reps. Same rules apply from earlier in the week. First, if you missed the bench press on monday, feel free to make it up here. Use 3 sets as a warm up, do not go heavy during the warm ups. Remember to take 90% of your 1rm then take another 90% of that number. example my 1rm is 170: 90% of that is 153, 90% of 153 is 137. So I would use 135 for the first 2 sets of 5. On the last set, I would do as many reps as possible. Hopefully getting 5 or more.
WOD: 3 rounds of:
Run 800m
3 muscle ups
30 sit ups
30 dumbbell or kettle bell swing.
Make sure you weigh in tonight for the Weight Loss Challenge!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Off day from strength
shoulder press 5 reps
hang clean 5 reps
hang squat clean 5 reps
push jerk 5 reps
push up 5 reps
Do three rounds of complex: 45, 65, 95
Skill: Hang Clean 5x5. If you feel sluggish, worn out, burnt, tired, etc... work more on technique. If you are feeling up to the hang clean, feel free to lift relatively heavy. Stick strictly to 5 reps no overages please.
WOD: Cindy
20min AMRAP of
5 pullup
10 push up
15 squats
Today is the day you need to weigh in and take a before and after photo. If you want to participate but do not attend the gym, please send me and an email @
Anyone wanna PR this old named WOD? Over 30 rounds anyone?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
late post due to a bum wheel.
Warm up: For some reason, people had a huge problem with the warm up... it took, tops, 7minutes. 25kbs, 10 pull ups, 1 sprint of 30m, 20 lunges, 20 leg swings, 10 of each: pvc deadlift, overhead squat, thrusters, sprint again, 10 jumping squats then one more sprint. JP, if you are reading this, the next warm up will be worse...way worse, like you may wanna leave your helmet on while you do it. jk.
Strength work: 3x5 dead lift. Take 90% of your 5 rep max, then take 90% of that number. For example my 5 rep max is 315. 90% of that is 283. Now take 90% of 283. Which is 255! Now that the math is done start lifting! my sets looked like this
Warm up Dead lift: 8 reps @135, 5 reps 185, 5 reps 205. WORK SETS: 5 reps 255, 5 reps 260, on the last set of this program do as many reps as possible in the last set. 260 10 reps... Perhaps i need to go up in weight to stay closer to 5reps.
Immediately following the strength portion follow it up with 2 sets of max dips.
WOD 5 rounds of
7 thruster 65#, 75#, 95#
7 deadlift use 50-60% of 1rm from the crossfit total. If that is too heavy, scale it!
10 knee to elbow
If you want to follow the basic outline for the zone diet google CrossFit journal article 21. Also, look up Robb Wolf's 42 ways to skin the zone article, i think its like 4$. Everyone that wants to compete will need to weigh in tomorrow. Some businesses in the hattiesburg area have stepped up and added some prizes. Also, Mary had a great IDEA! If you remember you numbers from the crossfit total, write them down now. we will be testing again an whomever has the best improvement will also win some dope prizes! Yes I said dope. Rules for the TOTAL challenge will be posted soon along with the dates and time lines.
Someone asked me today, "How can you have a diet challenge and a weight loss challenge going on at the same time?" If you put great food in your body should respond with great performance. It is possible to lose BAD weight while increasing overall strength.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Starting Strength Program
Str: choose either bench or shoulder press and perform 3 sets of 5 reps. Pick a weight that is 75%-80% of your 1rm. On the last set of 5 reps if you are able to get more than 5 reps... well REP it out to failure.
Skill: 2 sets of max rep of Kipping or dead hang pull up. rest 90sec between efforts.
WOD: 3 rounds
Push Press 15 reps (do not go heavy)
Box Jump 15 reps 24in box or higher. stack weights on your box if you dont have a tall one.
Sprint a suicide 2reps- total distance, one way is about 30m. So a down and back would be 60m.
optional yet mandatory cool down: Core- 25 abmat, 25, ghd sit up, 50, back ext, 25 k2e or toes 2 bar.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Food Challenge
The contest will officially begin the 3rd and end on the 26th, Thanksgiving Day. I am providing a list of Foods and will also add meals of the day and recipes of the day. If you do not attend our gym and want to compete feel free to email in before and after photos. Its only 23 days!! Good luck. I am going to be hard to beat! :)
Veggie List:
Alfalfa | Artichokes | Artichoke Hearts | Asparagus | Bamboo Shoots |
1 tablespoon of almond, cashew or natural peanut butter | ½ tablespoon or ½ of a pre-packaged pat of butter |
Meat: Chicken, Turkey, Steak, Fish here are a few examples:
- Ground sirloin
- Ground beef with less than 10-percent fat
- Short Loin
- Tenderloin Roast
- T-Bone steak
- Porterhouse Steak
- Tenderloin Steak
- Filet Mignon
- Fillet Steak
- Top Loin Steak
- Strip Steak
- Kansas City Steak
- New York Strip Steak
- Hotel-Style Steak
- Sirloin Strip Steak
- Club Steak
- Country Club Steak
- Delmonico Steak
- Shell Steak
- Tri-Tip
- Sirloin Steak
- Top Sirloin
- Coulotte Steak
- Cap Steak
- Round-Bone Steak
- Beef Loin
- Flap Steak
- Flap Meat
- Bottom Round
- Top Round
- Eye (of the) Round
- Round Tip Roast
- Rump Roast
- Round Tip Steak
- Ball Tip Steak
- Beef Sirloin Tip Steak
- Breakfast Steak
- Knuckle Steak
- Sandwich Steak
- Minute Steak
- Round Steak
- Flank Steak
- London Broil
Pork: Acceptable List
- Boiled ham
- Tenderlion
- Loin
- Lean, well-trimmed chops
- Canadian bacon