Warm up: pistols 3x10, Barbell step up 2x8, burpee broad jump 8x3. EXPLOSION!
WOD: 1.5 mile Temple Loop, 5 heavy push jerk, 20 mountain climbers.
Skill: Max set of K2E
You know what I love? I love seeing like minded people busting their asses everyday. You guys really don't understand how much you add to the gym and its atmosphere. The yelling, cheering, clapping, loud music and the sound of falling weights AMPS ME UP. When I lace up my shoes, and look at the WOD... I still get butterflies. After I hear 3-2-1- GO! Its on. In between my gasp for air I can hear you guys pushing my group faster and faster. No matter what the WOD is, I don't want to let myself down or you guys. I try to give it my best. Steve Prefontaine once said, "To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." Don't waste your ability to do this stuff.
Guys and Girls keep bringing the intensity each and everyday. Set your goals high... tell people about them... accomplish them. We are all here for you.
1 Shout out:
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