Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Meet Blake


Success Story:  Blake Conn

I have always wanted to be "in shape", I tried every diet that is out there along with multiple gyms and personal trainers. I was led to join Versus Strength and Conditioning by my beautiful wife.  She had been working out at the gym for a few months following the birth of our 4th child. After I saw the great results that she was getting I really started to think, "Could I do the same?"  I was extremely over-weight and I really liked to eat like a sinful pig but I knew it was time for a change.

Before learning about Versus and deciding to make some huge lifestyle changes, my life was in a death spiral headed straight towards diabetes or probably worse. An average day was to start off at Ihop with an omelet and pancakes, lunch would usually be a chinese buffet and then for dinner... I would devour a few value meals from McDonalds. Oh and to top that all off, I would come home and sit on my butt and watch TV or play video games for a few hours. Emotionally I thought I was great, but honestly, I was living in a cloud.  Physically I was miserable but was too "tired" to do anything about it.

I joined Versus on the second week of August '10 with the thought of just trying to survive. I was weighing around 335 lbs and was miserable with the fact that my 3XL clothes were tight and I was wearing a 48 in waist.

Lost over 75lbs and 10inches!
 Well the date now is 02/19/11 and I am weighing around 260 lbs and I am down to a 38 in waist and able to wear some XL/XXL shirts. I was able to do this and anyone else can as well. It is all about commitment and dedication to the gym and yourself (diet) so that you are doing what you know is right. The fact that I am now able to get down on the floor and play with my kids and then get back up without having pain in my knees and back is a great feeling! I have also started to get up early in the morning for my workout and it really puts a great start to the day. Whereas before I hated to roll out of the bed when the alarm clock would go off.

I really have to thank Steve, Kellar, and Michael for their dedication to the gym and their dedication to help people better themselves. I have to thank the morning "crew", you know who you are! And of course I have to thank my lovely wife who finally got me to get off my fat butt and do something to better my life and health!

See ya at the gym!

2 Shout out:

versussuccessstories said...

NICE WORK BLAKE! Keep it up brother!

Frierson said...

GREAT JOB!! Keep ATTACKING the wods!!

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