Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tuesday and wednesday

Tuesday: Not for time

3 rounds of
10 power snatch
15 dead hang pull up
400m run.

Focus on running the 400m hard.  Take 3-4min btwn rounds to collect yo'self!

Wednesday: 20min Amrap of

5   pull up
10 box jump
10 situp
20 double under

Yes i know i have pull ups back to back.  You'll only get 10 rounds so the volume will remain low... don't panic.


3 rounds
run 50m
10 burpees
7 power cleans

155 for men
105 for women
* scale as needed.

we did do strength work this week, but you'd have to be there to know what we did.  It was a secret.

Here is a video of my buddy Michael laying the smack down on this workout!

Sectionals WOD1- 2:55 from Michael McElroy on Vimeo.

0 Shout out:

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