Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sorry for not posting the WOD on friday but I think most of everyone knew what was coming down the pipe.

TOTAL:  Back Squat, Shoulder Press, Dead Lift.  Find 1rm on all lifts.

Everyone's total increased BIG TIME.

I forgot to bring my camera but Tony added 20lbs to his shoulder press, Josh added 35lbs to his dead lift, MMT, added weight to all 3 lifts but most to his squat, Frierson added weight to all 3 lifts after losing ground before he came to the gym, tyler is on the road to squat 500, Hester Shoulder pressed 175 @ a body weight of 155!  Mama shoulder pressed 75lbs!  That is all I can remember off the top of my head and i promise i will bring my camera next time.  CHEEERS!

3 Shout out:

Unknown said...

SICK! So who's comin' to the sectionals? What were everyone's totals?

versussuccessstories said...

we had a few over 1000. I capped everyone after they hit a PR. Trying to make steady gains instead of being stuck at one place for over a year or more. Strength Programming is paying off. Big Robert and MMT are competing; but i think we have about 5 or 6 coming.

Unknown said...

That is awesome! Just wanted to make sure we had a strong presence there... Robert should do well due to his King Kong like strength.

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