WARM up: row 1000m, 20 pvc pass thru, 20 air squats, 20 stationary lunges, 20 hydrants, 20 groiners, 20 back ext, 20 sit up. do all this back to back with a good pace.
STR: Find max height box jump
50 Wall Ball
30 DB/KB Snatches
10 One Arm Swings
50 Sit-ups
30 Ring Rows
10 Clapping Push ups
50 Box Jumps 24"
30 Deadlift (135)
10 Jumping Sit ups**
50 Double Unders
10 Pistols/leg
100 ft OH Walking Lunge 45lb plate
jmping sit up: do a regular sit up, but at the end, roll up onto your feet and jump. throw your hands!
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