Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday

wednesday:  Like Whoa.

15 Deadlifts Run 200m
30 h2h KB swings/Run 200m
30 clean 2 press KB run 200m
30 Burpees /Run 200m
30 Jumping Pullups /Run 200m
30 Box jumps /Run 200m
30 hand release push up /Run 200m
30 kb thruster

Thursday: 15min Amrap

30 wall ball

Attention:  Starting October 5th the gym will host Tuesday Thursday class@ 9am-10am then close promptly at 10am and reopen at 4pm.   This is a change from opening at 9 and closing at 11 and opening at 3 and closing at 7.  If this is a problem, let us know and we will see what we can do.  But we have to have at least 5-6 people to be open for a class.  Thanks!

2 Shout out:

JP said...

That first wod looks like an absolutely miserable experience.

I wish I was there to try it!

Jason Odom said...

...Like whoa!

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