On friday we had different workouts for all three classes. Why? Because it was fun. Sometimes I really hate living with just one workout on the board all day.
AM- Team workout consisting of tire pulls, kbs, burpees, push ups and lunges
9's- Team based workout consisting of rowing and 300 calories on the rower, 300 kbs and 300 situps and 450 air squats. rowing+kbs+situps+air squats = some wore out folks.
3-7 workout- 15min Amrap of 3 burpee situps and 3 dead hang pull ups
That was some of the work that was done on friday. We had some other personal clients battle through some very difficult workouts.
**Summer is upon us! Expect some changes pertaining to class times. We will be offering more classes earlier in the day to accommodate our summering students and teachers!**
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