Monday, January 3, 2011

Thanks to the iPhone.

Monday: Warm up with body weight movements

Str: Pull up and wighted goblet rev lunges

Workout: "Dirty Martini"

Run 400m then 10 rounds of 10 push up, 10 jump squat, 10 sit up then run 400m

A great body weight workout to challenge your ability to move your own weight around for 15-20min.

The new year is upon us.  I am sure many of you have already set some resolutions.  If you have, Great!  If you haven't, Great!  Some folks set resolutions without thinking... Here is an example, "In 2011 I want to get in shape."  What type of resolution is that?  One that more than likely, will not get accomplished.  Here is another example, "By March first of 2011 I want to lose 10lbs and take 30seconds off my mile time and add 5 push ups to my push up max."  See the difference?  I want you to be specific with your goals, set a deadline and also share them with people.  Don't let this year slip by!  Set some specific goals, write them down, tell someone, and go and get those suckers!

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