Guys and Gals of Versus please remember a few people in your prayers:
David Hester (commonly referred to as Hester) is tackling Ranger School in Georgia as you read this. There is no telling what they are putting him through, but rest assured he is giving it his best. When you are in the gym in 100 degree heat, remember, Hester is dressed in long pants, long shirt and maybe even some gear all day... Keep him in your prayers.
James Bordelon, a guy that some of the old school Versus Folk might know is deployed over seas right now. He isn't behind a desk either. He is a PCS grad and a good friend. He trained and passed the same Ranger School Hester is in now. Both of these guys trained and prepared at our gym... hope we helped boys.
Jeremiah Malmberg is smack in the middle of air borne school, and I think he has a few weeks left. I am not sure what air borne school entails, but you can bet it is not easy. Good Luck buddy.
Workouts for the week.
monday: a huge team chipper
20 calorie row, 30 burpees, 40 clean and jerks, 50 situps, down and back walking lunge and 400m run
Tuesday: 10 toes to bar, 20 push ups, 30 double unders 4 rounds
wednesday: 20min Amrap of 5 chest to bar pull up, 10 wall ball, 15 kettle bell swings.
Glad you are caught up! Hope to see all of you at the PCS 5k this weekend.
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