Monday, January 14, 2013

Nutrtion Info For All Our New Boot Campers


How to get Lean in 2013

I couldn't resist a good rhyme!  Sorry, I know its cheesy...  I digress.  Lets talk about some nutrition:

Here is our Basic Boot Camp Break Down-

  1. Lean Meats- Chicken, Steak, Pork, Venison, Lean Ground Beef, Fish, Fowl.
  2. Veggies- Anything goes in the veggie department!  Here are just a few that I use: lettuce, spinach, collard greens, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, red pepper, yellow pepper, green pepper, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, celery, sweet potatoes and olives.
  3. Fruit-  During our 6 week boot camp only eat fruit sparingly. 1 piece a day should be your goal.
  4. Nuts and Seeds- Again watch out for these guys because they are loaded in calories.  Eat them sparingly!
  5.  NO SUGAR!  Sugar is toxic to the body and will slow weight loss dramatically.  
  6. If its white... IT AIN'T RIGHT!  No rice, no white potatoes, no bread, no pasta, no cereal, and noooooo junk food! 
 Make sure you read the inside of your little black book.  It has tons of good information in there!  I will leave you with a shopping list!

meat, poultry and fish
Extra Lean Ground Sirloin (3 x 1lb packages) Boneless Chicken Breasts (2 x 1lb packages) Mild Turkey Sausage
Salmon (2 large filets)
Omega-3 Eggs (2 dozen)
Egg Whites

fruit Apples (12)
Tangerines (6)
Red Grapes (large bunch)
Pineapple (2 cut and cored fresh pineapples) Strawberries (2 cartons)
Blueberries (2 cartons)
Spinach (4 bags, 6oz each)
Red, Yellow, and Green Peppers (8) Cucumbers (2)
Tomatoes (2) 
Baby Carrots

sauces and condiments
Pesto (one jar of basil pesto, one jar of sun-dried tomato pesto) Peanut Satay Sauce (1 bottle)
Curry Sauce (1 bottle)
Tomato Pasta Sauce (2 large jars)
Apple Cider Vinegar (1 bottle) Raspberry Vinegar (1 bottle)
Red Wine Vinegar (1 bottle)
Balsamic Vinegar (1 bottle)
beverages Water (1 large Brita filtered jug)  
so, what on my list?
Soft drinks, fruit juices and milk
High fat and sugar salad dressings and other condiments 
Processed breads
Highly processed, pre-packaged foods

Recipe ideas to come!  Gotta eat lean to be lean! 

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