Monday, June 25, 2012

Hard Work!

There is no substitute for hard work.” -Thomas Edison

I want to tip my cap to two hard working Versus members:  John Ingram and Erica McHard.

John is down over 40lbs and Erica told me today that she was down 30lbs.

Working hard is essential to life.  If you are willing to back your dreams with some blue collar hard work anything is possible.  I have seen folks change their lives time and time again just because they really applied themselves.

I get this question all the time:  "I know you said dairy and grains aren't great things to eat when weight loss is concerned... BUT STEVE,  I love me some cheese!  What do I do?"

You have to do what Erica and John have done.  Keep your head down, sacrifice, focus on your goal, and continue to work hard.  Remember, there is no substitute for hard work...

Sacrifice+hard work= Success

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