Friday, July 20, 2012

Bellegrass Boot Camp Results

Check out what current campers are saying, who have now moved on to the on-going, Athletic Training Class.

Jenny has lost a total of 17 lbs!
What was your life like prior to VSC? How did you feel emotionally? Physically? Mentally?

"My husband and I lead very on-the-go and social lifestyles. We’re constantly on the road, going here and there. I was guilty of using that as an excuse as to why I had put on weight. I thought since we were never home and were mostly “out” in social settings that I had to eat the way I was eating. My energy level was low and again, I weighed the most I had ever weighed. “I don’t have time to eat right or exercise,” is not a valid excuse. There’s always time to better you."

What results have you seen since joining the VSC boot camp?
"Everyone is so extremely supportive. Just when you think you can’t run another step or do another push up, someone is right by your side encouraging you to keep going and to get the most out of your work out. My fears about participating in the boot camp almost outweighed my want to join, but after I got out of bed and tackled that first day, I knew this was what I needed to be doing! When I began in April, the first time I was challenged to run a ½-mile, I can’t even remember how many times I walked throughout the run. Today, I can run a ½-mile and talk a little while doing it. I even joked about doing a ½ marathon in February. (Hey, who knows how much progress I’ll have made come February!)

In 1 month Stephanie lost 3 inches in her waist and 4.5 inches in her hips!
Why did you join Versus S&C?

I wanted a workout plan that I could stick to and not having to think about what to do at the gym to get results is a big deal to me.

What was your life like prior to VSC? How did you feel emotionally? Physically? Mentally?
I was physically drained all the time, even walking up a flight of stairs was difficult. Mentally I know deep down I can get back in shape but emotionally I felt like it was too hard to obtain my goals.

What results have you seen since joining the VSC boot camp?
My confidence is up and I know that I can do reach my goals. Even though I am not there yet, I am encouraged by the changes in my size. In 1 month I lost 3 inches in my waist and 4.5 inches in my hips! Although I have not lost many pounds...5 lbs total is more than nothing, I know for a fact that muscle is replacing fat and if I stay consistent I will reach my goals. I have WAY more energy to keep up with my kids and have improved my fitness goals.

Has VSC helped you break through any mental barriers?
Absolutely! From being depressed about my weight and size and the worst shape of my life to KNOWING that I can do this.

July 31st - Sept 6th: 6 Week Boot Camp Session: $170
Versus S&C Boot Camp is a 6-week program designed to jump start your fitness in a dynamic, outdoor setting. During the 6-week challenge, you will receive guidance on proper nutrition, emailed home work assignments, coaching on proper technique with movements and workouts that get progressively more challenging. The accountability of your coaches and peers will allow you to get on track and on your way to achieving your health and fitness goals.

You can expect to improve coordination, endurance, stamina, and strength, while losing body fat, inches, and gaining confidence to move into our on-going Athletic Training classes.

Bellegrass Fields: Coach Jamie: 601-447-5241
5:45 AM : Tues/Thurs ---6 spots left

Downtown Hattiesburg, City Park: Coach Jeri: : 662-934-9654
6:00 AM : Tues/Thurs

Versus Gym (by Magic Tomato): Coach Nathan: :601-213-6326
6:00 AM : Tues/Thurs

Thames Elementary: Coach Nathan: :601-213-6326
5:00 PM : Tues/Thurs

Mark VI Apartments Track: Coach Nancy: 601-434-6081
6:00 PM : Tues/Thurs

Like Jenny said above..."There’s always time to better you." Don't put it off! By January when everyone else is making their "new" resolutions, you will be transformed!
Email or call with ANY questions and to sign up.

Bellegrass Boot Camp Class: The warm up!

Bellegrass Boot Camp Class: Coach Jamie and the crew!

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