Why should you join the last Versus Boot Camp of 2014? I could give you a lot of reasons why but I'm biased because I own Versus. So why not turn it over to a client who just finished our 6 week boot camp? Meet Kalee:
One of my coworkers sent out an email about this bootcamp. I had no clue what it entailed, but I had hit rock bottom and knew I needed to make a change in my life immediately. I signed up for bootcamp because I was miserable. I was huge and hated to look at myself in the mirror. I had a good looking husband who deserved better and a one year old that I couldn't keep up with. Since my old lifestyle consisted of sitting, eating, sleeping, etc. I knew that a "I'll go walking this summer" attitude would probably last maybe... a week. I needed something that would help me be consistent and keep me accountable. $150 is A LOT of money to pay as a teacher (and my husband decided to do it too so make that $300), so that also motivated me to stick with it. I kept thinking, if I can do this for 6 weeks, I can do anything! I'm also very competitive and driven, so I had the "go big or go home" attitude from the start. However, I'll never forget how nervous I was prior to going. I emailed my coach before signing up and asked her to make sure I wouldn't die!!!!! Those 6 weeks changed my life and I can't imagine not having Versus now.
I'll never forget the first day...we completed the first portion of exercise and Suzannah (my coach) said, "That's the warm up we will do each time." WHAT??!!! I thought that was the exercise!!! I was about dead from trying to make it 400 m. Immediately, I wrote in my black book that a goal of mine was to run 1 lap around the track without walking. Now, I'm able to run a mile with very little walking. It's amazing how much better my stamina has gotten. In addition to fitness results, I've changed my diet dramatically. We eat clean with very little "cheat meals" and I have a whole new attitude about food. I eat to fuel my body, not because I crave the food. We were eating fast food just about every night. Now, if we treat ourselves to a fast food meal, my body regrets it. I don't know how I use to eat that way daily. Because of "eating clean" and "training dirty", I accomplished huge results physically. I was wearing a size 14 when the bootcamp began and I set a goal to reach a size 8 (thinking this would be a WHILE) and now I'm wearing a size 6. I also set a goal to be confident wearing sleeveless shirts because my arms were huge! Now I'm seeing muscle in them instead of fat. I've lost a total of 30 pounds and 27 inches. My body is constantly changing and improving.
My favorite part of bootcamp was having such a close group of people to trudge alongside me. We were always encouraging one another, dying of pain together, and pushing each other to keep going. I also, of course, love having a personal coach and love mine dearly. She is always encouraging us and pushing me to a whole new level. I couldn't have made it without Suzannah. She's changed my life, and I will always be thankful for her. I've continued with the Versus AT class and am now setting and accomplishing new goals for myself. My husband goes to a later class so we can flip flop our child. It's a sacrifice of our time, but one that's well worth it. Not only are we improving our lives, we are also setting a positive example for our son. I'm now happier and more confident than I've been in a long time. I hope to inspire others to begin their new life and I always say, "A year from now, you'll have wished you'd started today!"
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